Tarrant Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery after Weight Loss

Apr 15, 2013 @ 11:00 AM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Body Lift Tummy Tuck Arm Lift Thigh Lift

If you have recently lost a massive amount of weight, congratulations! Obesity is one of the nation’s most serious epidemics, and weight loss, whether achieved through diet and exercise or bariatric surgery, can dramatically improve a person’s health and quality of life. You should be proud of your accomplishment.

Unfortunately, there are often aesthetic consequences to massive weight loss. In many cases, the skin that once housed the excess weight does not re-conform to the body’s new contours once that weight has been shed. Thankfully, modern plastic surgery offers a number of effective body contouring solutions that can help people who have undergone massive weight loss show off their new trim figures and feel much better about their achievements.

Dr. Vishnu Rumalla of the Fort Worth plastic surgery center Tarrant Plastic Surgery, PA, combines exceptional surgical skills with a finely honed eye for aesthetics to produce consistently outstanding body contouring results for his patients. If you have excess, hanging skin that is lingering after massive weight loss, you owe it to yourself to schedule a consultation with our plastic surgeon in Fort Worth today.

About Body Contouring

One of the most popular and highly effective post-bariatric body contouring procedures is abdominoplasty, better known as “tummy tuck” surgery. At our plastic surgery practice in Fort Worth, tummy tuck can be customized to meet the unique needs and goals of the individual patient. Tummy tuck surgery involves the excision of excess skin and fatty tissues from the abdominal region, along with the tightening of the underlying abdominal muscles. The remaining skin is then pulled taut, and the navel is repositioned if necessary. The patient emerges looking trimmer, fitter, and healthier.

Dr. Rumalla can address loose, hanging skin on other areas of the body through various lift procedures, including arm lift, thigh lift, and neck lift. These procedures generally entail the removal of excess skin and fat and the subsequent tightening of the remaining skin. At Dr. Rumalla’s plastic surgery practice in Fort Worth, skin tightening surgery is extremely safe.

In each of these procedures, liposuction can be used as necessary to address stubborn pockets of lingering fat. Sometimes after massive weight loss, isolated deposits of fat can remain, and they are often resistant to even the most stringent exercise and diet regimens. Liposuction uses a thin tube called a cannula to gently break up and then suction out these fat cells. The result is smoother skin and a more pleasing body contour.

The Eye of an Artist, the Skill of an Experienced Surgeon

Dr. Rumalla is able to achieve consistently natural-looking results for his patients thanks to his keen artistic eye. He has an intimate understanding of the human anatomy and knows precisely how to bring the various elements of a person’s figure into beautiful harmony. You deserve to look as good as you feel after losing excess weight. Dr. Rumalla can give you the exact body shape you dreamed of having when you embarked upon your weight loss journey.

For further information about skin tightening after massive weight loss, please call, visit, or email our plastic surgery practice in Fort Worth today.