Tarrant Plastic Surgery

Say Goodbye to Love Handles With an Extended Tummy Tuck

Feb 26, 2014 @ 11:51 AM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a common procedure for people wanting to achieve a shapelier stomach. However, if you also want to tighten and tone your back and sides, an extended tummy tuck may be the best procedure for you. At Dr. Vishnu Rumalla’s cosmetic surgery practice in the Fort Worth area, extended tummy tuck procedures have been providing patients with attractive torsos for years.

Who is a Candidate?

How can you tell if an extended tummy tuck is right for you? The answer really depends on the issues you’d like to address. Traditional tummy tucks eliminate unwanted skin and fat in the stomach area. However, if you have excess bulging in your back and sides - commonly known as “love handles” - an extended tummy tuck may be the better choice. Many women experience excess skin and fat in this area after pregnancy, making the extended procedure a great option for many new moms.

An extended tummy tuck can correct:

Like most cosmetic surgery procedures, an extended tummy tuck is ideal for those who have reached their weight-loss goals, are in good overall health, and do not smoke or use tobacco.

What’s the Procedure Like?

During an extended tummy tuck, a plastic surgeon removes excess skin and fat from the back, hips, and upper sides - a procedure known as flankplasty - in addition to the tummy. Once the excess skin and fat have been removed, the abdominal muscles are repaired and skin is drawn tightly over the area for a shapely contour. If necessary, your plastic surgeon will adjust the positioning of your navel for the most attractive results.

What Should You Expect During Recovery?

You should expect to stay in the hospital overnight after your extended tummy tuck. After you’re released, you’ll also need to plan on a home recovery of approximately one to two weeks.

You may notice that your posture is slightly affected after your surgery; however, this sensation will self-correct after seven to 10 days. If you had any drains placed after your procedure, they will be removed during an appointment with your surgeon one to two weeks after your extended tummy tuck.

After your recovery process, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of your enhanced figure, and fit back into your clothes with confidence.

How Long Do Results Last?

After achieving a shapelier stomach, sides, and back with an extended tummy tuck, your results can last for many years. As long as your weight remains stable, you can enjoy the benefits of your enhanced figure permanently.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about improving your figure with an extended tummy tuck, contact Dr. Vishnu Rumalla today! A personal consultation will determine which abdominoplasty procedure is right for you.