Tarrant Plastic Surgery

What Are the Potential Side Effects of Facelift Surgery?

Jan 29, 2016 @ 10:00 AM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Facelift Plastic Surgery

A facelift can revitalize your appearance and your self-confidence. Nevertheless, if you are considering facial cosmetic surgery, you may be concerned about the potential risks and side effects of the procedure. Fortunately, facelift surgery is safe and effective, especially when you undergo treatment with an experienced surgeon like Dr. Vishnu Rumalla. Of course, as with all surgeries, there is always some chance for complications. Before your facelift, Dr. Rumalla will discuss what you can expect after your procedure. He will also guide you during your recovery, offering tips to minimize your risks, ease discomfort, and speed healing. To learn more about facelift surgery side effects, contact our Fort Worth, TX practice today.

What Happens during a Facelift?

When performing a facelift, Dr. Rumalla will not simply raise and tighten your skin. He will also address the overall muscular structure of your face to avoid a stretched or unnatural look. There are several techniques that Dr. Rumalla can perform. The method he chooses will depend on the area you want to treat and how much of a change you desire. He will begin by creating an incision, carefully hidden in your hairline or behind your ears. Then he will remove or redistribute pockets of fat. He will also lift your facial muscles, using sutures to hold them in their raised positions. Finally, he will trim off any excess skin and close the incisions.

Short-Term Facelift Side Effects

After a facelift, you should expect some swelling and bruising. These effects will usually start to fade within a few days of your surgery, though it may be several weeks before they are completely gone. You may also feel some discomfort. Most patients do not find inflammation to be too severe, and mild pain medication can keep it under control.

Immediately after your facelift, you may be alarmed to see that the incision sites are more noticeable than you imagined. Rest assured that scars will fade. Within just a few weeks, they should be virtually far less noticeable, concealed within your hairline.

Long-Term Risks of a Facelift

Serious risks following a facelift are rare. Nevertheless, it is important to be aware of potential complications. If you notice worsening discomfort or inflammation, you should contact our office immediately. Facelift risks can include:

Controlling Side Effects and Minimizing Your Risks

The easiest way to reduce your facelift risks is to choose a qualified practitioner. Dr. Rumalla is a Diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery. With his training and emphasis on personalized care, he can provide safe and effective facial surgery.

To reduce your facelift risks even further, you should follow your doctor’s instructions for your recovery. Be vigilant about maintaining your post-operative check-ups. These visits will allow Dr. Rumalla to look for the signs of potential complications. He can also help you protect your health through proper care at home. For optimal results, you should get plenty of rest in the days following your surgery. Sleep with your head elevated, and wear your compression bandages as directed. You should also take all prescribed medications and avoid strenuous activity until you are cleared to begin exercising. With these precautions, you should enjoy a speedy recovery and beautiful cosmetic results.

Contact Tarrant Plastic Surgery

To learn more about the side effects of a facelift and to receive treatment from a highly experienced doctor, contact our office today.