Tarrant Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery and Infection Risk: Patient Recovery Information

Jun 29, 2017 @ 01:15 PM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Infection Complications Recovery

There are so many ways to look years younger and to fight signs of advanced aging. Thanks to advanced facial plastic surgery at our Fort Worth surgical center, we have been able to help patients turn back the clock and unlock a refreshed appearance.

Proper after-care is just as important to effective surgery. With that in mind, let's explore the issue of post-surgical infection and what can be done to limit the risk of complications following plastic surgery.

Infection Risk During and After the Surgical Procedure

Thanks to advanced in sterilization, surgeon techniques, and surgical technology, the risk of infection during a surgical procedure has greatly decreased over the years. Many surgeons prefer to work in the most minimally invasive fashion possible. This helps keep the surgery safe and sanitary, and usually leads to a shorter surgical procedure as well.

The real risk for infection tends to be after the surgery is completed and as the patient is recovering. While surgical risk is still low, there are chances that patients may expose themselves to potential infection risks as they are healing, particularly in the first days after the procedure. By following all post-op instructions carefully, patients can reduce their risk of infection during the post-op period.

Avoid Smoking and Tobacco Products

Smoking and tobacco products increase a person's risk of infection. Patients are asked to avoid the use of tobacco products in the weeks before surgery and in the weeks after surgery. This could be a great excuse to finally quit for good.

Avoid Alcoholic Beverages

Like tobacco products, alcoholic beverages can increase your risk for infection. Be sure to abstain from alcohol consumption before and after surgery just to be on the safe side.

Focus on Rest and Avoid Strenuous Physical Activity

As you recover, it's important that you put your focus on resting and wellness. This allows your body to commit all of its energy to the healing process. Be sure to avoid strenuous physical activities until your surgeon says otherwise.

Keep Surgical Dressings and Garments Clean

After surgery, patients will often wear surgical dressings and compression garments to aid with the recovery process. It's important that patients keep surgical dressings clean, changing them as directed by their surgeon. Compression garments should similarly be kept as clean as possible.

Follow Instructions for Bathing and Washing

Patients will be given specific instructions for bathing and washing. This will help keep the surgical site clean and prevent infection and other serious complications. Follow these instructions closely to ensure proper healing.

Walk to Promote Circulation and Proper Healing

After undergoing surgery, patients may not be able to exercise regularly, but they will be able to walk around a bit to promote circulation. This can prevent blood clots from forming, and it's an important part of effective recovery. Be sure to walk around your home for a few minutes a couple of times a day.

Attend Follow-up Visits with Your Cosmetic Surgeon

Plastic surgeons schedule several follow-up visits with patient to monitor their recovery process and to address any concerns if needed. Be sure to attend all of these visits as scheduled. If any issues arise between follow-up visits, be sure to contact your surgeon as soon as possible. Good communication is a cornerstone of proper recovery.

Contact Tarrant Plastic Surgery

If you would like more information about preventing surgical complications and enhancing your overall appearance, be sure to contact our cosmetic surgery center today. The team at Tarrant Plastic Surgery will work with you to ensure optimal outcomes and the best results possible.