Tarrant Plastic Surgery

Why Preparing for Plastic Surgery Is So Important

Aug 29, 2017 @ 01:30 PM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery

As with any surgery, patients can do a lot before the procedure to ensure proper healing. That means following pre-op instructions to reduce the severity of side effects, prevent complications, and improve the overall healing time and experience. That's an important part of our Fort Worth center's approach to facial plastic surgery and other kinds of procedures.

While the exact instructions can vary a bit from surgery to surgery, this ought to give you a good idea of what to expect. Keep these pre-op tips in mind if you're considering a plastic surgery procedure.

Ask for Time Off Work

Proper healing means being able to focus on rest. Patients arrange for time off from work prior to surgery. The amount of time needed can vary from one week to four weeks, and depends on the type of surgery the patient will undergo.

Avoid Tobacco Products

Cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco can slow down your body's ability to heal and increase your risk of infection. Avoid tobacco products for at least two weeks before surgery and for several weeks after surgery. This may be a convenient excuse to kick the habit for good.

Avoid Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages have a similar effect on healing as tobacco products. Avoid alcoholic beverages for a few weeks before surgery and for a few weeks after surgery to ensure problem-free healing.

Avoid Taking Certain Medications and Supplements

If you take blood thinners, aspirin, or other kinds of medications, they can have a negative impact on healing. Discuss any drugs or supplements you take with your surgeon. Your surgeon can tell you to avoid these drugs or to adjust dosage as needed.

Run Errands Before the Surgery Date

Before you undergo surgery, you can do a lot around the home to make recovery more relaxing and free fro stress. Fill prescriptions ahead of time, and be sure to buy groceries, do laundry, and do anything else necessary so there are no worries after the surgery.

Arrange for Transportation

After plastic surgery, patients will be in no fit state to operate a vehicle. Be sure to have someone drive you or accompany you to and from surgery. This is just a common sense measure for your own safety and well being.

Have a Loved One Stay with You After Surgery

The first days of surgery can be challenging. Having a loved one present can be helpful at a practical and emotional level. Speak with a friend or family member to be there for support and assistance in the first days after your procedure.

The Night Before Your Plastic Surgery

Certain patients may be given special instructions to follow the night before surgery. This may include tips for bathing as well as instructions for fasting.

The Day of Your Plastic Surgery

On the day of your plastic surgery procedure, be sure to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. Do not wear any jewelry or other accessories to the practice. Similarly, avoid wearing lotion, makeup, creams, perfume, or cologne.

Contact Tarrant Plastic Surgery

To learn more about all stages of a plastic surgery procedure and how we can help you look your best, be sure to contact Tarrant Plastic Surgery today. The entire team here looks forward to your visit and discussing your treatment options in much greater detail.