Tarrant Plastic Surgery

Dealing With Discomfort After Plastic Surgery

Sep 29, 2017 @ 01:15 PM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery

Post-operative pain is unavoidable no matter what surgery is performed. Yet the pain can be managed and controlled. The soreness and discomfort is going to be most pronounced in the first day or so after surgery. This is to be expected as the effects of local anesthetic wear off and patients have to deal directly with the effects of surgery.

When patients come to our Fort Worth plastic surgery center, we take time to discuss the recovery process and strategies for pain relief. This is especially important for involved body plastic surgery procedures, which can require weeks of recovery time. Thankfully there are many things that patients can do to help keep the pain at a minimum and to ensure a speedy and problem-free recovery.

Take Time Off from Work

Rest is key to a full recovery. One of the first things you can do to ensure you get all the rest you need is to take time off from work. Usually patients will need 1 to 2 weeks off after surgery, with more time required for substantial surgical procedures. By avoiding work in the first days of healing, you can get over the initial pain without stress or worry.

Focus on Resting Early On

Now that you've taken time off from work, be sure to relax on the first days after surgery. Do not strain yourself or attempt to perform strenuous activities. Instead, rest easy. Avoid lying down flat and do not lay on your side or on your stomach.

Take Recommended Pain Relievers as Directed

Pain medication can be extremely helpful for those first days of recovery. You may be given a prescription for pain killers or may be recommended over-the-counter pain medication to address your needs. Be sure to take your pain medication as directed, never exceeding the recommended dosage.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is key to general wellness. While you are resting, be sure to drink water rather than juice or coffee. Continue to remain hydrated in the weeks ahead to ensure proper recovery and reduce the risk of complications.

Walk to Promote Circulation

While you won't be lifting heavy objects or doing cardio for a little while, you can walk a bit around your home to stay active and prevent complications. Walking helps promote circulation and avoid blood clots in the legs, a major risk for people who are inactive. This can help make the recovery process go by quickly.

Have a Loved One Present for Emotional Support

Since the recovery process can take its toll on a patient, it's important to have someone there to help with errands and to offer some emotional support. Be sure to have a family member or loved one present after surgery to be there for you and your needs. This may not ease pain per se, but it can help you cope with discomfort in the first phase of healing.

What If My Pain Becomes Worse?

If you notice that pain or other surgical side effects get worse while you are recovering from surgery, be sure to bring this to your surgeon's attention as soon as possible. By doing this, you can have any potential complications addressed as soon as possible.

Learn More About Plastic Surgery Side Effects

To learn more about managing side effects after surgery and helping the healing process pass without complications, be sure to contact an experienced plastic surgeon today. We will provide information and tips to you that will help with recovery.