Tarrant Plastic Surgery

Body Lift Recovery: What Patients Should Know

Nov 29, 2017 @ 12:45 PM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Body Lift Body Contouring

Losing a lot of weight can lead to stretchmarks, sagging skin, and poor body contour. Thankfully there are many ways to deal with these issues. Many people come to our Fort Worth plastic surgery center for body lift surgery, a combination of procedures that helps patients have a trimmer, slimmer, and better contoured frame.

Since the surgery addresses multiple parts of the body, the recovery process can be quite involved. Let's take a moment to cover some of the basics so you know what to expect.

How Much Time Should I Take Off from Work?

Body lifts can be quite extensive, revising the contour of multiple parts of the body. Because of this, the recovery time can be substantial. For most body lifts, patients will want to take three weeks to four weeks off from work. This will allow ample time to heal before returning to normal daily activities.

During the consultation process, a more accurate assessment of recovery time can be provided so you can plan to take time off and make arrangements with your employer.

Common Side Effects After Body Lift Surgery

Some of the most common side effects after a body lift include the following:

Activities to Avoid After Body Lift

After a body lift, it's important for patients to avoid the following activities until their surgeon advises otherwise:

Walk to Promote Circulation

While patients will not be able to exercise normally for a few weeks, they are encouraged to walk to promote circulation during healing. This prevents the formation of blood clots in the legs that can then result in a dangerous clot in a the lungs.

Walking just a few minutes throughout the recovery phase can be a way to ease back into your normal routine. This is a key part of recovery for many surgical procedures.

Attend Follow-Up Visits as Scheduled

After a body lift, patients will have several follow-up visits with their plastic surgeon. These visits will help assess the overall condition of the patient during different stages of the recovery process. Your surgeon can help address any issues as they arise to ensure you heal without experiencing complications.

Learn More About Body Lift Surgery

For more information about body lift surgery and how it can benefit you, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon. The team at Tarrant Plastic Surgery is here to help you look your very best.