Tarrant Plastic Surgery

Breast Augmentation for Tubular Breasts

Jul 31, 2018 @ 06:05 PM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Breast Implants Breast Enhancement

Sometimes referred to as tuberous breasts, tubular breasts are breasts that appear underdeveloped and misshapen. This issues with shape and contour is caused by constriction at the base of the breast during normal growth and development, which causes a woman’s breast tissue to grow in an elongated rather than round manner. The look the breasts and nipples can cause a woman to feel self-conscious about her appearance.

The team at our Fort Worth, TX plastic surgery center has been able to successfully revise the appearance of tubular breasts thanks to breast augmentation. Let’s take a moment to identify the signs of tubular breasts and discuss how implants can benefit women who have this condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Tubular Breasts

The most common signs and symptoms of tubular breasts include:

These symptoms are typically present around puberty as a woman’s breasts begin to develop. The severity of each of these symptoms can vary from patient to patient.

Causes of Tubular Breasts

Genetics is the primary cause of tubular breasts. If you have someone in your family that also had tubular breasts, you are likely to also develop tubular breasts as you get older.

How Breast Augmentation Can Help

Placing breast implants can help improve the shape and size of a woman’s breasts. Rather than having elongated breasts, the implants create a rounder and fuller shape that is more ideal. Additional revisions can be made to help address the size and prominent of the areoles as well, creating a balanced and proportionate appearance.

The Right Implants for Your Needs

When designing the surgery for the patient, a number of considerations will be made regarding the composition, size, shape, projection, and placement of the implant.

The Results of Breast Augmentation Surgery

Thanks to breast implants, a woman with tubular breasts can have a rounder, more ideal breast shape. This improves self-esteem and allows these women to feel more confident about their wardrobe choices. There is some minor scarring after surgery, though these scars will fade with time and be less noticeable as time passes. If saline breast implants are used, it may be possible to conceal all surgical scars in the armpit or the belly button.

Learn More About Breast Augmentation

To learn more about treating tubular breasts improving your overall appearance, be sure to contact Tarrant Plastic Surgery. We are here to help you understand your treatment options and enhance your sense of self.