Tarrant Plastic Surgery

Enhance Your Weight Loss Results with Skin Tightening Surgery

Jul 24, 2020 @ 07:16 PM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Body Contouring

A lot of effort goes into losing weight. Dropping even a few pounds often requires significant changes to a person’s diet and exercise routine, so when someone has lost a substantial amount of weight, they deserve to enjoy the full effects of their efforts. Unfortunately, many people who shed excess pounds find that they are left with loose, sagging skin. Fortunately, plastic surgeon Vishnu Rumalla can perform skin tightening surgery after weight loss to address these concerns for patients at his Fort Worth, TX, office. Body contouring eliminates loose skin to provide a smoother silhouette that better shows off the results of significant weight loss.

Skin Tightening Candidates

During skin tightening surgery, the excess tissue is gently pulled taught and removed, then the remainder is draped firmly over the treatment site to better define various parts of the body. Skin tightening can provide our Fort Worth patients with impressive results, but it is important that they are ideal candidates for the procedure. Patients should be:

Concerned with Excess Skin

Individuals who consider skin tightening surgery have usually experienced major weight loss. Most often, these people have either lost weight as a result of bariatric surgery, or due to personal diet and exercise efforts. When significant weight is lost, and especially when it is lost quickly, the skin does not always tighten and conform to your new contours. As a result, loose skin is likely to sag around the body, compromising those hard-earned results.

At or Near Ideal Weight

First and foremost, for a person to be an ideal candidate for skin tightening surgery, they need to be done with their weight loss. Individuals should already be within their ideal weight range, so that surgical results are not compromised if a person loses additional weight down the road. 

Generally Healthy

Secondly, skin tightening candidates must be in good health. Massive weight loss can sometimes result in complications such as anemia, vitamin deficiencies, or electrolyte imbalances. Similarly, some people have health concerns related to obesity, such as diabetes and hypertension. These conditions do not always resolve immediately following weight loss. If any of these issues are present, they must be addressed prior to surgery.

Areas of Treatment

Skin tightening, or body contouring treatment, is highly customizable. Dr. Rumalla can treat various areas of the body based on each of our Fort Worth patient’s unique needs. Treatment can be localized to one specific area, or multiple techniques can be combined to provide comprehensive body contouring. Some of the procedures that provide skin tightening results include:

Collectively, these types of procedures are often referred to as a “body lift.”

Benefits of Skin Tightening Surgery

Eliminating excess skin offers our patients a number of benefits, the most obvious of which is a more toned and defined silhouette. Additional advantages of skin tightening surgery include:

Discuss Your Goals in a Consultation

If you have lost a significant amount of weight and are bothered by loose, stretched skin, you may be an ideal candidate for skin tightening surgery. To learn more about the body contouring treatments offered by Dr. Rumalla, send us a message online today or call (817) 741-6801.